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5 Things Recruiters Hate in an Applicant

Yes. Recruiters, like everyone else, hate some things.  As they are professionals, they won’t mention these things to you as an applicant.  They just hope that you will work it out yourself after you have been rejected.  It is difficult to correct something you don’t know about.  So, we will share 5 things that recruiters hate:

1. Coming Unprepared

There are various ways you can arrive at your interview unprepared.  These include:

  • Being improperly dressed such as wearing jeans or trainers
  • Unkempt hair, unpolished shoes or dirty fingernails
  • Having no knowledge about the company or the job requirements,

You would be surprised at the number of people who show up for an interview without knowing anything about the role or its requirements.

It is expected that all applicants come to their interview well prepared; both physically and mentally. It is a no-brainer that you need to look neat and professional. This requires good personal grooming and a formal outfit.  Aside from being prepared physically, it is even more important to prepare mentally. Basic research about what the company does and what the job entails is essential to making a good first impression.

Employers are impressed if you know not only what the company does but also what it has done recently.  It is worth looking for news on their web site.

2. Tardiness or not showing up for the Interview

As an applicant, it is always important to make a good first impression. 

An applicant who wants to get the job or position you must be on time for your interview. Remember that a recruiters’ schedule is hectic and that they interview many applicants each day. You must respect their time and be on time.  Your employer would also expect the same.  How can a recruiter assign you to a job if you were late for your first interview.

If you cannot attend the interview or you have run into problems and will be unavoidably late, then you should call them to explain.  Recruiters will appreciate if you let them know ahead of time if you won’t be able to attend the interview or are running late.  This allows them to re-plan their day while maintaining your relationship with them.  People do understand if you have a genuine reason.

3. Be Polite

Basic manners include:

  • Listening to the recruiter.
  • Being attentive- you should show that you are listening
  • Answering questions clearly when asked
  • Not interrupting them when they are talking.
  • Not talking to or texting someone else while in the interview
  • Some applicants tend to be rude by talking to or texting someone else while they are in the process of the interview.

As an applicant, you should be respectful. There is no reason to be rude in front of the recruiters. This will just lose you the opportunity.

4. Display of Arrogance

Confidence is different from arrogance. You can show that you are confident by not overstating your accomplishments and the companies you’ve worked for before. Although recruiters want to have a confident team member in their company, they do not want someone who is arrogant and full of themselves.

Show humility and be humble. Your skills and the things that you can offer will show naturally. You must highlight your skills and experience but there’s no need to boast.

5. Inappropriate CV

Your CV is the very first thing that will sell you and your skills to employers. CVs that are too long, too creative or full of too much technical stuff is a no-no. You should make your CV as simple as possible but professional looking.  Ideally, it should be 2 pages long at the start of your career growing to no more than 3 pages as you gain more skills and experience.  You should include a summary of your past employments. You can get into the details when you get to the interview.

Intelligent Outsourcing are the recruitment specialists that will help you bring out the best in you. Just make sure to keep in mind these 5 things that recruiters don’t want to see in an applicant.

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