Are you stressed about finding a work-life balance?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Even trying to achieve the ideal work-life balance can be stressful. The good news is that stress and leading a fruitful life can occur if you are experiencing the strain of growing your business while maintaining your lifestyle. You can find the balance that works best for you if you are mindful. How much stress is beneficial for you? The goal is to prevent your stress levels from pushing you down the other side of the bell curve, as demonstrated by the Yerkes-Dodson rule, which states that an individual's performance increases with stress until cortisol levels get too high and…

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How team members training increases your accounting practice skill set

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

It is essential to invest time and resources in team member training. Your team members will feel appreciated, empowered, and involved with your company's mission when they see that you care about their future. That is excellent news for your team's morale and satisfaction scores and not to mention for the workforce's overall productivity.Investing in your team members' futureIf you want great things from your team, you’ve got to give them the very best support. A job is not a fixed thing. The role will evolve and change over time with new skills, responsibilities, and job descriptions.To offer your team…

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