What is your team’s learning style and why is it essential in your business?

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Being aware of your team’s learning style is a very important aspect in your business that you may not appreciate. Knowing how your team members best learn can contribute to better communication with each other and improve their performance as well.                 Not everybody in your team learns the same way. The VARK model which stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic that was developed by Neil Fleming in 1987 is a great way to identify each of your team members’ learning style.                 From releasing new rules, guidelines, job changes, systems, to any change in business, it is important…

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Tips: How To Handle Angry Customers

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

As business owners and consumers at the same time, we’ve all been there: dissatisfied and frustrated with a product/service we received. It is pretty normal but as business owners, this is one thing that we avoid the most: unhappy customers. Here are some tips you can do to minimize the consequences from an unhappy customer: Stay calm                 Angry customers will be difficult to handle. Remain calm and do not get angry, react negatively, or talk back. It will for sure make things worse that it already is. Be genuine                 Put yourself in their shoes. Sympathize and understand where…

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