Two Worlds Come Together: How Your iO Accountants Connect and Communicate Directly with Your UK Clients

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When we first speak to most accountants, they can see the advantages of offshoring and are happy to work with an accountancy team member based in the Philippines.  However, they are often nervous about their team member working directly with their clients.  This is understandable.  They believe it is difficult for someone to work directly with their clients when they are continents apart.The meteoric rise of web conferencing during the pandemic has abated this concern somewhat.  When you are working with someone over Zoom or Teams, it does not make a difference if you are one or 6,800 miles apart. …

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How to Make a Great Impression on Your First Day at Your New Accounting Job

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Congratulations on securing your new accountancy role!The impression your resume made and the one you made during your interview played a vital role in helping you to secure your new job.  The impressions you make during your first day and first week at your new accounting job are even more important.  You now need to show you can deliver and that starts with making a great first impression on your team, your manager and your clientsFirst impressions are very important because, as they say, it takes less than a minute for someone to make up their mind about whether they…

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5 Things Recruiters Hate in an Applicant

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Yes. Recruiters, like everyone else, hate some things.  As they are professionals, they won’t mention these things to you as an applicant.  They just hope that you will work it out yourself after you have been rejected.  It is difficult to correct something you don’t know about.  So, we will share 5 things that recruiters hate: 1. Coming Unprepared There are various ways you can arrive at your interview unprepared.  These include: Being improperly dressed such as wearing jeans or trainers Unkempt hair, unpolished shoes or dirty fingernails Having no knowledge about the company or the job requirements, You would…

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How to Prepare for a Virtual Interview

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Since the start of the pandemic, the hiring process has evolved virtually. Gone are the days when one would wait in a company lobby and be interviewed face-to-face- although we miss this already! But since the hiring process now is often done virtually, there are things that you need to know on how you can make a great impression even if they can only see you via screen. 1. Prepare the Link for your Interview and Take Note of the Details It is actually pretty nerve wracking when you are given a schedule for your virtual interview and, with just…

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5 Qualities recruiters like to see in a candidate

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Although all recruiters will want to assess your abilities, skills and experience against the position they want to fill, they also want to see good qualities in their candidates. Sometimes, it's not just all about your skills.Here are five Qualities that recruiters like to see in a candidate: 1. Transparency Recruiters tend to know when you are lying or withholding information. Some candidates lie about their experience and a few even lie about their qualifications.  They are almost always found out.  Be honest and open. Recruiters will appreciate it if you admit to being terminated because of a culture mismatch…

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Facebook – your go-to marketing platform for your start-up business

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If you are a small business owner, partner or MD looking for the best way to advertise your services to your well-defined target market, then Facebook Business is one of the quickest, cheapest and most effective approaches.  Facebook is the largest social media platform globally, and it is not only used for sharing pictures of your family or connecting with friends. Facebook is now utilised as a business development platform that provides you with all the tools you need to start marketing your business online.  Here are the key ways to set up and start your Facebook Business advertising:  Create a Facebook…

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Key points for a good CV – Must Read!

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Your Curriculum Vitae/CV is one of the most important tool that you need to look into and take a good amount of time to do because this piece of paper would make or break your application for you dream job. If you are struggling on what to put – or what not to put – in your CV, here are some valuable tips! DO NOT make your CV too long No recruiter or employer will read a 3 page curriculum vitae no matter how impressive your records are. It should not be more than 2 pages in A4 size. Focus…

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