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  • Reading time:6 mins read

2020 has not been the best year – if not the worst, for most of us and we are all hopeful that this year will be better. One thing that we can all do to make 2021 a better year is to set goals. Setting goals can help us with the future and is also a great way to assess ourselves. If you are not sure on what goals to set, here are 10 goals you can ponder on to kickstart your 2021.   WORRY LESS                 Worrying too much and over thinking about things like what could have been…


Why you must put into practice the concept of Work – Life Balance for your employees

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

Yes, it’s pretty obvious. You have employees working for you because they strive to survive. For them to survive, they must have at least, the three basic human needs – food, shelter, and clothing. And the only way to ensure that they have food on their tables, roof above their heads, and something to wear on a daily basis is if they have a job. And that’s why you have them.  Although we cannot deny the fact that having a work plays one of the most important part in one’s life, you, as a their boss, must take into consideration…

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FINALLY OFFSHORING – 5 keystones you need to be mindful of in your new business venture

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

After a thorough research and lots of doubts, you have decided to finally offshore your new team members. All the research you did about offshoring is not enough to proceed. The real challenge begins just now – where you need to identify and take into consideration key components to ensure that the changes you are about to make with your business will be successful. PICK THE RIGHT OFFSHORING COMPANY YOU WILL BE WORKING WITH This is the most important aspect you must consider before offshoring. There are tons of companies who are providing excellent service in outsourcing/offshoring and you must…

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Why is NOW the best time to offshore your team with Intelligent Outsourcing

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

It has been months when the impossible happened – a virus that changed the whole world. Corona Virus struck and no one have seen the extent of what this virus can do to our lives. Closing of boarders in almost all countries around the world, flights and trips are restricted, isolation is a must, get togethers and parties are seen to be forbidden; few of the many changes that we are still currently experiencing even after months since the virus started. These changes affected businesses of different industry. But what must one do? To adapt to these changes.              All…

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6 things to keep in mind to help you get that job

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

                Applying for a job might be one of the most challenging things to overcome as an adult, or as someone who wants to get a head start with their careers. The most important thing is to make a good impression firstly to get your foot in the door and be considered to progress unto the interview stage.                We interviewed HR specialists to see what they are looking for and here are some pointers to make a good first impression. A GOOD CURRICULUM VITAE WILL GO…

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Offshoring Vs. Outsourcing

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

After some time and after a lot of hard work, your business is growing, and you can’t seem to handle the heavy workload. Although this is a clear sign that your business is flourishing, you might have thought about adding new members to your team to maintain productivity and efficiency. Hiring the right people is time consuming and you would not want this to be another problem you have to face. After doing research, you might have seen that the best option to solve this issue is to outsource or offshore your team members. But which is which?             Outsourcing…

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Why do business outsource Filipinos to be part of their team?

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Over the years, Philippines has proved its capabilities and expertise in the field of outsourcing. It has been the top performer in the industry for years. While this is a no surprise, some might be wondering what makes Filipinos so special for businesses to choose to hire and outsource Filipinos to be part of their team? 1. FILIPINOS ARE RAISED TO BE ENGLISH SPEAKERS             From Filipino parents trying to communicate with their toddlers using the English Language PLUS Tagalog Language combined, to Pre-school being taught in English, it has been established in a young Filipino mind that they have…

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