Why Offshoring is the Intelligent Way in Accounting Outsourcing

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

The most frequently asked question at conferences, exhibitions, and events is "I'm considering outsourcing. Can you enlighten me on your process?" Given our name is Intelligent Outsourcing, the question is a fair one.  We reply that offshoring is the intelligent way in accounting outsourcing.  The terms “outsourcing” and “offshoring” are often used interchangeably, so let's demystify the terminology. Both ideas involve the delegation of tasks to a third-party supplier.  They differ significantly in scope, geography and your relationship with the individuals who is doing the work. So, let’s look closer at the difference between outsourcing and offshoring and how accountants use…

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Offshoring Vs. Outsourcing

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

After some time and after a lot of hard work, your business is growing, and you can’t seem to handle the heavy workload. Although this is a clear sign that your business is flourishing, you might have thought about adding new members to your team to maintain productivity and efficiency. Hiring the right people is time consuming and you would not want this to be another problem you have to face. After doing research, you might have seen that the best option to solve this issue is to outsource or offshore your team members. But which is which?             Outsourcing…

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