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What has Failure Taught Us in Achieving Success?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

In the realm of any business industry, failure is frequently seen as something that should be avoided at all costs. The fear of making mistakes can be paralysing, leading accountancy firm owners to play it safe and avoid risks. However, the truth is that failure is not the enemy of success; it is an essential component of it. In fact, a few of the most successful accountancy firm owners have experienced significant failures on their path to success. Here are some of the reasons why failure is crucial to the success of an accountancy firm: Failure is a Valuable Lesson…

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Celebrating Pride Month in the Workplace: How to Foster Inclusivity and Celebration

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Pride Month, observed every June, is a time to celebrate and recognize the contributions, history, and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. For workplaces, it presents an opportunity to promote inclusivity, foster a supportive environment, and demonstrate a commitment to diversity. As one of the leading accounting outsourcing companies here in the Philippines, Intelligent Outsourcing has equal value and respect among the members of the LGBTQ+ community team members. There are many ways wherein we can show inclusivity and respect towards our team members who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are some ways on how an organization can celebrate…

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